In an unusual turn of events, a 10-year-old boy in China called the police after being scolded by his father for not completing his homework. The boy, feeling upset and seeking a way to get back at his father, reported his dad’s illegal stash of poppy pods, which led to his father’s arrest.
The incident took place on January 9, 2025, in Yongning County, China, when the boy, after being reprimanded for his unfinished homework, decided to run away from home. During his escape, he borrowed a phone from a local shopkeeper and called the police, alerting them to his father’s illegal activities. He told the police that his father was hiding poppy pods at their house.
Why Are Poppy Pods Illegal?
Poppy pods are considered illegal in China because they contain opiates like morphine and codeine, which are controlled substances. As reported by South China Morning Post (SCMP) and BBC, poppy pods can be used to produce illegal drugs such as opium. Therefore, the cultivation and possession of poppy pods without government approval can result in severe legal consequences, including imprisonment.
Police Response
Upon receiving the boy’s call, the police from Chengguan Police Station of the Yongning County Public Security Bureau immediately set out to locate the child. Once they found the boy, he guided them back to his home, where they conducted a search. In the house, the police discovered eight poppy pods hidden in a balcony cabinet.
The father, upon being questioned, admitted that the poppy pods were his. He claimed that he had been keeping them for medical treatment. However, his explanation didn’t suffice, and he was arrested.
Case Transfer to Anti-Drug Brigade
Following the arrest, the anti-drug brigade took over the case, as the possession of poppy pods is a serious offense under China’s anti-drug laws. The incident has sparked discussions about the strict regulations surrounding opiate-containing substances and the role of law enforcement in tackling illegal drug-related activities.
This unusual case serves as a reminder of how law enforcement can be alerted even by the youngest members of society, in a surprising twist where family dynamics intersect with legal boundaries.