In anticipation of the Maha Kumbh Mela 2025, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath inaugurated ‘Maa Ki Rasoi’ on January 10, 2025, at Swaroop Rani Nehru Hospital in Prayagraj. This community kitchen, operated by Nandi Sewa Sansthan, provides nutritious meals to economically weaker sections for just Rs 9.
The affordable ‘thali’ includes dal, four chapatis, vegetables, rice, salad, and a dessert, ensuring a balanced diet for patrons. The facility spans approximately 2,000 square feet, is fully air-conditioned, and maintains high hygiene standards. It can accommodate about 150 diners simultaneously.
During the inauguration, CM Adityanath personally served meals to attendees, emphasizing the government’s commitment to supporting the underprivileged. He also inspected the kitchen facilities, accompanied by officials, including Industrial Development Minister Nand Gopal Gupta.
Additionally, the Chief Minister launched ‘Kumbhvani,’ a dedicated radio channel broadcasting at 103.5 MHz. This initiative aims to disseminate information about Maha Kumbh events to remote areas, enhancing accessibility for devotees nationwide.
The Maha Kumbh Mela, a significant religious gathering held every 12 years, is scheduled from January 13 to February 26, 2025, in Prayagraj. The event is expected to attract millions of devotees, and initiatives like ‘Maa Ki Rasoi’ and ‘Kumbhvani’ are set to enhance their experience during the festivities.
Source: Web Team, C6N