Prime Minister Narendra Modi made his debut in the world of podcasts, releasing his first episode on Friday. Hosted by Zerodha co-founder Nikhil Kamath, the podcast titled People By WTF saw Modi reflecting on various aspects of his political journey, personal growth, and his approach to leadership.
During the over two-hour conversation, Modi touched on several important topics, including the role of integrity in politics. He recalled a moment from his time as Gujarat’s Chief Minister when he publicly acknowledged that, like everyone else, he is human and capable of making mistakes. “I said something in an insensitive way. Mistakes happen. I am human, not a God,” he confessed. This candid admission highlighted Modi’s belief in self-reflection and accountability, key themes throughout the discussion.
The Prime Minister also emphasized the need for more principled individuals to enter politics, stressing that one should pursue public service with a sense of mission rather than personal ambition. “One should enter politics with a mission, not with ambition,” he noted, further expanding on the importance of idealism over political gain.
Modi also shared a glimpse of his childhood, recalling his humble beginnings and how he used to wash clothes for his family, a practice that led him to be allowed to go to the pond. This personal anecdote underscored his connection to his roots and the values that shaped him.
The conversation also touched on global conflicts, the importance of youth engagement in politics, and his journey through multiple terms as India’s Prime Minister.
In closing, Modi expressed his uncertainty about how his podcast would be received, humorously adding, “This is my first podcast, I don’t know how it’ll go with your audience.”
For those interested in hearing more of PM Modi’s reflections and insights, the full podcast episode is available for viewing.