Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent acknowledgment of his human fallibility during a podcast with Zerodha co-founder Nikhil Kamath has drawn sharp criticism from the Congress party. Congress leader Jairam Ramesh labeled Modi’s statement as “damage control,” referencing the Prime Minister’s earlier self-description as “non-biological.”
In the podcast, Modi stated, “I am human and I can make mistakes. But I will not do anything wrong out of bad intentions.” This contrasts with his previous assertion during an interview ahead of the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, where he implied a divine origin, stating, “I am convinced that I was sent by God.”
Ramesh responded on social media, highlighting the discrepancy between Modi’s past and present statements, suggesting that the Prime Minister’s latest remarks are an attempt to mitigate the implications of his earlier claims.
This exchange underscores the ongoing political discourse surrounding Modi’s self-representation and the scrutiny it attracts from opposition parties.