At a rally in Delhi’s Seelampur area, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi launched a sharp attack on both Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal. Gandhi accused the two leaders of failing to curb inflation, which he claimed is pushing the poor further into poverty while enriching the wealthy. He specifically mentioned business tycoons like Mukesh Ambani and Gautam Adani, suggesting that they are closely linked with Modi’s government.
“Inflation is at its peak. The rich are getting richer, and the poor are getting poorer,” Gandhi stated. “Have you ever heard Modi or Kejriwal speak about Adani? We don’t want a country dominated by billionaires,” he added. The Congress leader further criticized the BJP and RSS for undermining the Constitution and spreading hatred. He emphasized that the Congress party had undertaken a journey from Kanyakumari to Kashmir to protect the Constitution.
Rahul Gandhi also targeted Kejriwal, accusing him of failing to fulfill his promises of eradicating corruption and transforming Delhi into a cleaner, more prosperous city. Despite Kejriwal’s claims of a “clean Delhi,” Gandhi pointed to rising pollution and inflation as evidence of the AAP government’s shortcomings.
Both Congress and AAP are contesting the upcoming Delhi Assembly elections independently, marking a departure from their earlier alliance within the INDIA bloc. Gandhi urged voters to support Congress, assuring that his party would deliver progress and welfare as it did in the past.
The Delhi assembly elections are scheduled for February 5, with results to be declared on February 8.