Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah recently commended Prime Minister Narendra Modi for fulfilling his commitment to hold timely and fair elections in the Union Territory. Speaking at the inauguration of the Z-Morh tunnel in Ganderbal district, Abdullah noted that the elections were conducted without any allegations of rigging or misuse of power.
Abdullah recalled Modi’s promise during International Yoga Day in Srinagar to hold elections, which was realized within four months, leading to the establishment of a new government. He also urged the Prime Minister to restore Jammu and Kashmir’s statehood, expressing confidence that this promise would soon be fulfilled.
In response, BJP spokesperson Shehzad Poonawalla highlighted Abdullah’s remarks as a lesson for opposition parties, particularly those in the INDIA bloc. Poonawalla criticized parties that question the Election Commission when they lose elections but praise the process when they win, suggesting they should learn from Abdullah’s acknowledgment of the fair electoral process.
The inauguration of the 6.5 km Z-Morh tunnel, which provides year-round access to the Sonamarg tourist resort, was attended by Prime Minister Modi, Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha, and Chief Minister Omar Abdullah. The tunnel is expected to significantly boost connectivity and tourism in the region.