In a horrifying incident in Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, a 20-year-old woman, Tanu Gurjar, was shot dead by her father and cousin just four days before her wedding. The killing, which occurred in front of police officials, reportedly stemmed from her desire to marry a man of her choice, defying her family’s wishes.
The tragedy unfolded on Tuesday evening in the Gola Ka Mandir area after Tanu uploaded a video on social media accusing her family of pressuring her into an arranged marriage and threatening her life. She named her father, Mahesh Gurjar, and other relatives as responsible for her predicament, stating, “If something happens to me, my family will be responsible.”
Chilling Details of the Murder
Enraged by the video, Mahesh Gurjar shot his daughter in the chest at close range using a country-made firearm. Her cousin Rahul fired additional shots, striking her forehead, neck, and face, ensuring her death. Tanu collapsed and died on the spot.
The police, who were present after the video prompted intervention, were attempting to mediate between the family and Tanu. She had requested to be taken to a One-Stop Centre, a government facility for women in distress, but her father insisted on speaking to her privately, claiming he could convince her to comply.
After the killing, the accused turned their weapons on the police and family members. While Mahesh was subdued and arrested, Rahul managed to flee the scene with the weapon.
Social Media Post Exposes Family Pressure
Hours before her death, Tanu shared a 52-second video on social media, revealing that she was in a six-year relationship with a man named Bhikam “Vicky” Mawai from Agra. She alleged daily beatings and threats from her family, stating they initially agreed to her choice of partner but later refused.
Police Investigation Underway
The police have arrested Mahesh Gurjar and recovered the murder weapon. A manhunt has been launched to apprehend Rahul. Investigators are also reviewing Tanu’s social media activity for additional evidence.
The murder took place amid preparations for Tanu’s wedding, scheduled for January 18. A community panchayat was in session at the time, attempting to mediate the conflict. The case has sparked widespread outrage, highlighting the dangers of familial control and forced marriages.