Tensions have reportedly surfaced within India’s Test team coaching setup during their recent tour of Australia. Head coach Gautam Gambhir, known for his disciplined approach, allegedly scolded bowling coach Morne Morkel for arriving late to a training session due to a personal meeting. According to a Times of India report, the incident has caused strain between the two coaches, prompting the BCCI to intervene and monitor the situation closely.
Tensions Among Coaching Staff
A source revealed, “Gambhir is very strict about discipline. He reprimanded Morkel immediately at the ground. Following this, Morkel appeared reserved for the rest of the tour.” The strained relationship between the two has raised concerns about the overall dynamics within the coaching staff, with the BCCI emphasizing the importance of resolving the matter for the team’s cohesion.
BCCI Scrutiny on Support Staff Performance
In addition to the Gambhir-Morkel issue, the BCCI is evaluating the performance of other support staff members. Batting coach Abhishek Nayar is reportedly under scrutiny, with questions raised about his contributions, particularly after Virat Kohli’s struggles with repeated dismissals during the series. Legendary cricketer Sunil Gavaskar has also expressed doubts about Nayar’s effectiveness.
Assistant coach Ryan ten Doeschate has come under the spotlight as well, with concerns about his limited international experience and its impact on the team’s development.
Potential Changes in Coaching Contracts
The BCCI is considering reforms to address loyalty and effectiveness within the coaching setup. Proposals include capping coaching contracts to two or three years to ensure fresh perspectives and better accountability. However, the board acknowledges the value of specialized roles, such as side-arm specialists for throwdowns, which have proven beneficial to the team.
The ongoing evaluation of the coaching staff highlights the BCCI’s commitment to addressing internal challenges and ensuring India’s Test team performs at its best. Resolving tensions between Gambhir and Morkel will be crucial for maintaining harmony and achieving the team’s long-term goals.