A 25-year-old woman from Bengaluru has recounted a chilling experience she faced while returning home from work, where a stranger stalked her and followed her all the way to her doorstep. Sharing her ordeal on Reddit, the woman described how the encounter left her feeling unsafe and deeply disturbed.
The Encounter
The woman explained that she was on her usual route home, taking the metro around 6 pm after finishing work. As she traveled, a man approached her and started talking about himself, focusing on her jacket that featured her company’s logo. The stranger bizarrely kept asking about her workplace, even mentioning his own job and position.
Despite her clear disinterest, the man continued to follow her. When she boarded the metro, she noticed he had also gotten on, sitting in the coach next to hers. The situation grew more uncomfortable when he got off at the same station as her. Feeling uneasy, she chose to take an auto rickshaw home instead of walking the usual 10-15 minute route.
However, the man’s persistence didn’t end there. He took an auto rickshaw as well and followed her all the way to her house, which left her in shock.
Reddit Users React
The woman expressed her discomfort and fear, asking others if they had experienced similar situations. Her post quickly garnered a lot of attention from concerned Reddit users. Many advised her to report the incident to the police, emphasizing the potential danger of the situation.
“Should have called the police. He stalked you to your home. Clearly a problematic man. Hope you stay with family or friends,” one user commented.
Another user added, “Report it to the police immediately. There are huge chances anything might go wrong. Since your address is known to a stranger, please be safe.”
Safety Tips and Concerns
The experience has raised concerns about personal safety and how seemingly harmless interactions can escalate. Some users suggested being cautious about displaying company logos or any identifying information in public.
“It’s high time we stop wearing corporate merchandise in public. Laptop bags, hoodies, T-shirts, or even stickers on your laptop might give away your employer name when working at cafes or elsewhere,” one user pointed out.
This unsettling incident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of vigilance and the need for heightened awareness about personal safety, especially in urban environments.