Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, who was injured in a stabbing incident at his Mumbai home on Thursday, is now out of danger after undergoing successful surgery. His team confirmed the actor’s stable condition, expressing gratitude to the doctors, fans, and well-wishers who supported him during this challenging time.
What Happened During the Attack on Saif Ali Khan?
The shocking incident took place early Thursday morning at Saif Ali Khan’s residence in the upscale Bandra neighborhood of Mumbai. The actor was reportedly injured during an attempted burglary. An intruder allegedly entered the house, and when Saif intervened to stop the situation, the attacker stabbed him multiple times.
The actor sustained six stab wounds, including serious injuries near his spine and neck. According to Lilavati Hospital’s Chief Operating Officer, Dr. Niraj Uttamani, Saif underwent two surgeries to treat the injuries. A part of the knife was found near his spine and successfully removed. Fortunately, the injuries did not affect any vital organs, and Saif’s condition has stabilized.
Saif Ali Khan’s Recovery and Gratitude
Shortly after the surgeries, Saif’s team issued an update confirming that the actor was recovering well. “Saif Ali Khan has come out of surgery and is out of danger. He is currently in recovery, and the doctors are monitoring his progress. All family members are safe, and the police are investigating the incident,” the statement read.
The actor expressed his gratitude towards the medical team, with Saif’s team thanking Dr. Niraj Uttamani, Dr. Nitin Dange, Dr. Leena Jain, and their staff at Lilavati Hospital for their prompt treatment. Additionally, the statement extended heartfelt thanks to fans and well-wishers for their prayers and thoughts during this difficult time.
The Role of Kareena Kapoor in the Incident
In a separate statement, Saif Ali Khan’s wife, Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor, confirmed that the incident was indeed an attempted burglary. She clarified that while Saif sustained an injury to his arm, the rest of the family was unharmed. The statement also mentioned that Saif is receiving the necessary medical care, and his condition is being closely monitored.
Mumbai Police Investigation and Next Steps
The police have already begun investigating the case, with several teams from Bandra police station working on tracing the suspect. According to Mumbai Police sources, the intruder used the stairs to enter the building and initiate the attack. The incident took place around 2:30 AM, and Saif was quickly transported to Lilavati Hospital around 3:30 AM by his older son, Ibrahim Ali Khan, from Saif’s first marriage to Amrita Singh.
The police are treating the case as a robbery attempt gone wrong. Six police teams are actively working to track down the attacker, and the Crime Branch is also involved in the investigation. A First Information Report (FIR) has been registered, and authorities are collecting evidence from the scene, including the knife that was used in the attack.
Reactions from the Public and Industry
The attack on Saif Ali Khan has sent shockwaves through the Bollywood community and among his fans. Several celebrities and public figures have expressed their concern and sent their best wishes for his speedy recovery. Fans across social media platforms have also shown an outpouring of support, calling Saif Ali Khan a “real-life hero” for allegedly trying to protect his family during the attack.
Final Thoughts and Saif Ali Khan’s Road to Recovery
As of now, Saif Ali Khan remains in the ICU under observation for a day. His recovery is progressing well, and doctors are optimistic about his health. The actor’s team reassured the public that he is in good hands and is expected to make a full recovery.
While the police continue their investigation, the incident highlights the increasing concerns over security in urban areas. With the case still under investigation, Saif’s fans and the Bollywood community eagerly await further updates, hoping for a swift resolution and justice for the actor.