MUMBAI: Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked by an intruder at his Bandra residence in Mumbai during the early hours of January 16, 2025. The assailant, believed to be a burglar, inflicted multiple stab wounds, including two deep injuries near his spine. Khan underwent emergency surgery to remove a knife lodged in his thoracic spinal cord and repair leaking spinal fluid. He is currently in stable condition and on the path to recovery.
Raveena Posts on X
— Raveena Tandon (@TandonRaveena) January 16, 2025
The incident has raised concerns about safety in the Bandra area, particularly among the celebrity community. Actress Raveena Tandon expressed her alarm over the attack and called for stronger security measures. She stated, “Targeting celebrities and soft targets in what used to be a safe residential area has become rampant, with Bandra losing out to unruly elements.” Tandon urged authorities to implement enhanced security protocols to protect residents from such threats.
This incident has sparked a broader conversation about the safety of public figures and residents in Mumbai’s upscale neighborhoods. Actress Pooja Bhatt also voiced her concerns, emphasizing the need for a greater police presence in Bandra to deter criminal activities. She remarked, “The city, and especially the queen of the suburbs, have never felt so unsafe before.”
As the investigation continues, there is a growing demand for authorities to address the security lapses that led to this attack and take proactive measures to ensure the safety of all residents in the area.