In a tragic incident near a private hospital on Bhoothnath Road in Patna, an oxygen cylinder exploded while being unloaded on Friday evening. The blast left one person dead and another severely injured, according to the Agamkuan police. The injured victim, currently hospitalized, lost his leg due to the explosion’s intensity.
Details of the Incident
The explosion occurred as oxygen cylinders were being unloaded near the hospital premises. Eyewitnesses reported that the blast was so powerful it created a mushroom cloud and a shock wave, sparking panic among bystanders.
“The explosion caused chaos, with people running in all directions,” a police officer said. “The individual unloading the cylinders lost his life, while another person nearby sustained severe injuries, including the loss of a leg.”
The blast also caused damage to property in the vicinity, including a scooter parked close to the site of the explosion.
Investigation Underway
A team from the Agamkuan police station responded promptly to the scene and has initiated an investigation into the incident. Authorities are working to determine the exact cause of the explosion and assess whether safety protocols were followed during the handling and unloading of the oxygen cylinders.
The police are also gathering statements from witnesses and hospital staff to piece together the sequence of events.
Impact and Response
The powerful blast not only resulted in loss of life and injury but also spread fear and confusion in the area. The sound of the explosion and the ensuing panic left residents and passersby shaken.
Local authorities are emphasizing the need for stricter safety measures when handling hazardous materials like oxygen cylinders to prevent such incidents in the future.
Safety Concerns in Medical Facilities
This incident raises serious questions about the safety practices employed during the transportation and unloading of oxygen cylinders, especially in areas near medical facilities. Oxygen cylinders, while lifesaving in medical settings, can be highly dangerous if not handled with proper care and precautions.
Authorities are likely to review existing guidelines and impose stricter regulations to ensure such incidents are avoided.
The oxygen cylinder explosion near the Patna hospital is a stark reminder of the potential dangers associated with mishandling medical equipment. While the investigation continues, the focus remains on ensuring the safety of those involved in similar operations and preventing future tragedies.
Residents and workers in the area have been urged to remain vigilant and report any unsafe practices they observe. For now, the incident has left a lasting impact on the community, highlighting the need for greater accountability and safety measures in the handling of hazardous materials.