Justice Shekhar Yadav of the Allahabad High Court has opted out of delivering the keynote address at a seminar on the Ram temple movement, scheduled for January 22 in the Kumbh Mela area. This decision comes in the wake of controversy surrounding his previous remarks at a Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) event in December, which drew criticism and sparked allegations of hate speech.
Justice Yadav’s Withdrawal from the Seminar
The seminar, titled “Rashtriya Sangoshthi: Ram Mandir Aandolan aur Gorakshpeeth,” is being organized to commemorate the first anniversary of the consecration ceremony of Lord Ram Lalla in the Ayodhya temple. Senior leaders, including RSS pracharak Ashok Bery and VHP leader Bade Dinesh Ji Singh, are also expected to speak at the event.
According to Shashi Prakash Singh, the seminar convener, Justice Yadav cited January 22 being a working day as the reason for his withdrawal. “Some members of the organizing committee had taken his consent to attend the program. However, he has since informed us that he will not be able to participate due to professional commitments,” Singh said.
Controversy Surrounding Justice Yadav’s Remarks
The controversy stems from a speech Justice Yadav delivered on December 8 at a VHP provincial convention held at the High Court complex. During the event, he reportedly spoke on sensitive issues, including the Uniform Civil Code (UCC), stating that its main objective was to promote social harmony, gender equality, and secularism.
Videos of his speech circulated widely on social media, with critics accusing him of making provocative remarks that bordered on hate speech. Opposition leaders condemned his comments, questioning their appropriateness and demanding accountability.
Supreme Court’s Response
The issue escalated when the Supreme Court took note of news reports highlighting Justice Yadav’s statements. On December 10, the apex court sought a detailed report from the Allahabad High Court regarding the matter.
Justice Yadav later appeared before the Supreme Court Collegium, led by Chief Justice Sanjiv Khanna, to provide his version of events. The court’s intervention further intensified the debate over the role of judicial officers in addressing politically and socially sensitive topics.
Seminar Objectives and Significance
Despite Justice Yadav’s withdrawal, the seminar remains a significant event, focusing on the historical and cultural importance of the Ram temple movement and its connection to the Gorakshpeeth. Organizers view the seminar as a platform to reflect on the milestones achieved in the temple’s construction and its impact on Indian society.
The event will continue as planned, with key speeches from RSS and VHP leaders expected to draw attention to the temple’s role in shaping India’s socio-religious identity.
Justice Shekhar Yadav’s decision to withdraw from the seminar underscores the sensitivity surrounding judicial involvement in socio-political discussions. While his earlier remarks at the VHP event have sparked intense debates, his withdrawal ensures that the focus of the seminar remains on the Ram temple movement.
As the controversy unfolds, the legal fraternity and the public will closely monitor how such instances shape the discourse around the judiciary’s role in navigating politically charged topics. For now, the seminar is set to proceed with its original agenda, highlighting the legacy of the Ram temple movement and its place in India’s history.