Prayagraj: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath held a special Cabinet meeting in Prayagraj on Wednesday, ahead of the ongoing Mahakumbh 2025. The meeting, initially scheduled at the Mela Authority Auditorium, was relocated to Triveni Sankul in Arail to ensure smoother movement for pilgrims visiting the Sangam. The meeting was attended by all 54 ministers of the Uttar Pradesh cabinet, with several key proposals and schemes set to be approved.
Key Announcements at the Meeting
One of the most significant announcements from Yogi Adityanath was the development of a region surrounding Prayagraj. He revealed plans to expand the Ganga Expressway, which will connect Prayagraj to Mirzapur, Bhadohi, Kashi, Chandauli, and eventually link with the Purvanchal Expressway in Ghazipur. This project is expected to play a crucial role in boosting infrastructure and sustainable development in the region.
Shift in Meeting Venue
While the meeting was initially scheduled at the Mela Authority Auditorium, it was shifted to Triveni Sankul in Arail to avoid inconveniencing the pilgrims at the Sangam due to VIP security concerns. The meeting is scheduled to begin at noon.
Holy Dip at Triveni Sangam
After the cabinet meeting, Yogi Adityanath, along with his ministers, will take part in the holy dip at Triveni Sangam, a sacred confluence of the Ganges, Yamuna, and Saraswati rivers. The ministers will travel by motorboats from Arail VIP Ghat to the Sangam, where they will perform worship rituals and participate in the sacred bathing ceremony.
This will be the second time that Yogi Adityanath is leading his cabinet to the Sangam, having done so previously in 2019 during the Kumbh Mela.
PM Narendra Modi’s Expected Visit
Prime Minister Narendra Modi is expected to visit the Mahakumbh on February 5. During his visit, Modi is anticipated to take a holy dip in the Ganga, perform aarti, and offer prayers at key sites such as Akshayvat, Saraswati Koop, and Bade Hanuman Mandir. He is also likely to honor the workforce responsible for organizing the grand event.
The Mahakumbh’s last Amrit Snan of Basant Panchami will be completed on February 3, after which the naga sadhus from all 13 Akhadas will leave the tent city.
As the Mahakumbh 2025 continues, key leaders like Yogi Adityanath and Narendra Modi are engaging in both administrative and spiritual activities to mark the occasion. The ongoing initiatives to enhance infrastructure and promote development in the region are set to leave a lasting impact on Prayagraj and its surrounding areas.