In a lighthearted yet relatable take on Bengaluru’s infamous traffic, a techie has proposed a quirky solution: holding meetings while stuck in traffic. The idea, shared on X (formerly Twitter) by user Adarsh, has gone viral, sparking both jokes and entrepreneurial discussions online.
The Viral Post
Adarsh’s post featured an image of a small luggage truck loaded with office rolling chairs, with one man casually sitting on a chair among them. The arrangement resembled a makeshift conference room on wheels, prompting users to imagine meetings happening in real-time while navigating Bengaluru’s congested roads.
Check out the post here.
How the Internet Reacted
The post triggered a wave of responses from X users:
- Humorous Reactions:
One user joked, “I’m loving the idea. It will be both productive and entertaining, but people might keep looking around instead of focusing.”
Another added, “If this happens, nobody will be late for the meeting!” - Entrepreneurial Suggestions:
Some saw potential in the concept. “We could make a profitable business from this, but need to think about it,” commented one user. - Work Culture Jibes:
The post also drew playful remarks referencing Infosys co-founder Narayana Murthy, who recently advocated for a 70-hour work week. “What if Narayana Murthy sees this?” one user quipped. Another speculated, “The day isn’t far when Murthy will put a GPS chip tracking employees if they go to a place of enjoyment.”
Traffic Woes in Bengaluru
The humor around this post is rooted in a grim reality. According to the 2024 TomTom Traffic Index, Bengaluru ranks as the world’s third slowest city, trailing only behind Barranquilla and Kolkata. The Dutch location technology firm evaluates global traffic flow annually, highlighting Bengaluru’s notorious congestion as a persistent challenge.
Turning Traffic Woes into Laughter
While the idea of holding meetings in traffic is undoubtedly unconventional, it reflects the creativity and humor people use to cope with everyday struggles. The viral post serves as a reminder that even the most frustrating situations can inspire innovative and entertaining ideas.