In a heartbreaking incident at Nirvana Laddu Parv in Baghpat, Uttar Pradesh, at least six people lost their lives, and several others, including Jain disciples and police personnel, were injured when a makeshift stage (known locally as a “machaan”) collapsed during the event on Tuesday. The event, which celebrated the first Tirthankara in Jainism, Bhagwan Adinath, quickly turned into chaos as the stage gave way under the weight of hundreds of devotees.
The Incident and Immediate Response
The collapse occurred during a significant cultural and religious gathering, creating a panic-stricken scene at the site. Numerous devotees were trapped beneath the debris, and immediate rescue operations were launched on Tuesday morning to free those caught in the wreckage. Authorities rushed to the location, with the Baghpat District Magistrate Asmita Lal and Superintendent of Police Arpit Vijayvargiya personally overseeing the rescue and relief operations at the district hospital.
According to Vijay Singh Tomar, Baraut Circle Officer of Baghpat, six deaths have been confirmed, though the number of casualties may vary with further updates. Early reports indicated that around 40 individuals were injured in the incident, with injuries ranging from minor to serious. The injured were quickly transported to nearby hospitals for treatment.
SP Arpit Vijayvargiya provided an update, stating, “A ‘machaan’ collapsed during the Laddu Mahotsav program of the Jain community in Baraut. Around 20-25 people were injured, some with general injuries and treated with first aid. A few seriously injured individuals are undergoing treatment at nearby hospitals.”
Political Reactions and Relief Efforts
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath immediately took cognizance of the tragedy, issuing directives to the local district authorities to provide swift relief to the victims. He expressed his deep concern and wished for the speedy recovery of the injured.
The incident has also drawn attention from political leaders. Samajwadi Party (SP) chief Akhilesh Yadav shared his condolences and reposted the news on X, expressing his sorrow over the incident.
Similar Tragedy in Tirupati
This incident follows a similar tragedy earlier this month at the Sri Venkateswara Swamy Temple in Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, where a stampede led to the deaths of at least six people and injured 35 others. The stampede occurred when thousands of devotees pushed to enter the temple to secure free visit passes. Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu ordered relief measures and a high-level probe into the incident to ensure better treatment for the injured.
The tragedy in Baghpat serves as a grim reminder of the potential hazards during large-scale public gatherings, particularly when makeshift structures are involved. Authorities have pledged to investigate the cause of the collapse and improve safety measures for future events to prevent such incidents from happening again. Meanwhile, prayers and support for the families of the victims continue to pour in from across the nation.