Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has launched the Aam Aadmi Party’s (AAP) ‘Bachat Patra’ campaign, claiming that the party’s welfare schemes save every Delhi family Rs.35,000 monthly. This initiative aims to inform residents about the financial benefits they receive under AAP’s governance.
Kejriwal emphasized that, traditionally, budgets lead to inflation, negatively impacting household finances. However, he asserted that AAP’s policies have reversed this trend, providing substantial savings to families. He stated, “With our existing benefits, families save Rs.25,000 per month, and upcoming schemes will add another Rs.10,000.” He further added, “Pressing the ‘Jhadu’ button will ensure Rs.35,000 in savings, while choosing the ‘BJP’ will lead to an equal monthly burden.”
The Chief Minister outlined several key welfare schemes contributing to these savings:
- Free Electricity: Savings of Rs.4,000 to Rs.5,000 monthly.
- Free Water: Savings of Rs.2,500 monthly.
- Free Bus Travel: Savings of Rs.2,500 monthly.
- Free Education: Savings of Rs.10,000 monthly.
- Mohalla Clinics and Hospitals: Savings of Rs.5,000 monthly.
Kejriwal also criticized the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), alleging that if they come to power, they would discontinue these beneficial schemes. He stated, “The BJP has declared that free education, mohalla clinics, and free bus travel will be discontinued if they come to power.”
In addition to existing initiatives, Kejriwal unveiled new schemes aimed at further enhancing savings for Delhi families:
- Rs.2,100 Monthly for Women: Financial assistance to support women.
- Free Bus Travel for Students: Promoting education by easing transportation costs.
- Free Medical Treatment for Senior Citizens: Ensuring healthcare access for the elderly.
These new initiatives are expected to add an additional Rs.8,000 to Rs.10,000 in monthly savings for families.
To further engage with the public, Kejriwal announced that AAP workers would visit households to fill out the ‘Bachat Patra,’ informing residents about the financial benefits they receive from AAP’s governance.
In a related development, Kejriwal congratulated the people of Delhi for their successful efforts in stopping the flow of contaminated water. He noted that ammonia levels in the water had decreased from 7 parts per million (ppm) to 2 ppm, averting a potential water crisis. He stated, “Our struggle bore fruit. The poisonous water that was being sent to Delhi has now stopped.”
These initiatives and achievements underscore AAP’s commitment to enhancing the quality of life for Delhi residents through comprehensive welfare programs.