On New Year’s Eve, Delhi Police took stringent measures to regulate traffic and ensure road safety, issuing over 4,500 challans for traffic violations. Among the total violations, 558 were related to drunk driving, marking a 34% increase from the previous year, officials reported on Wednesday.
Special Commissioner of Police (Traffic) Ajay Choudhary stated that despite the large number of challans, the city did not witness any fatal accidents during the celebrations. He attributed this to the extensive traffic management and increased checks implemented across the national capital.
In a bid to ensure smooth traffic flow and prevent accidents, Delhi Police made elaborate arrangements, with special focus on areas with high footfall. Officers were deployed across key locations, and traffic checks were intensified to deter violators. The successful management of traffic ensured that the city experienced a relatively incident-free celebration.
Choudhary praised the efforts of the police force in maintaining order and ensuring public safety throughout the evening, emphasizing the importance of continued vigilance to curb traffic violations and ensure safer roads for all.