In a chilling turn of events, a 24-year-old man from Agra allegedly murdered his mother and four sisters earlier this week in Lucknow, following a disturbing series of confessions to the police. The accused, identified as Mohd Arshad, claimed that the murders were a result of harassment his family had been facing from neighbors, which he said led him to fear for their safety.
The tragic incident occurred on December 30 when Arshad traveled to Lucknow and booked a room at Hotel Sharanjeet in the bustling Naka area. The police discovered the bodies of his mother, Asma, and his four sisters – Alia (9), Alshia (19), Aksa (16), and Rahmeen (18) – in the room on Wednesday morning. The victims were found without signs of struggle, leading authorities to believe they were sedated before being killed.
According to Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP-Central) Raveena Tyagi, Arshad confessed to using a scarf to strangle at least one of the victims and slashing their wrists with a sharp object. He reportedly feared that if something were to happen to him, his family would be left vulnerable, and thus, decided to take matters into his own hands.
After committing the horrific crime, Arshad dropped his father off at a railway station and then went directly to a police station, where he reported the murders. The police recovered the murder weapons, including a blade and a scarf, from the scene.
The motive behind this gruesome act, as per the accused’s statements, centers around a sense of desperation over his family’s alleged mistreatment by their neighbors. The police are continuing their investigation into the matter.