The BJP has accused the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) of orchestrating the demolition of 24 temples in Delhi between 2016 and 2023, further fueling tensions between the two political parties. BJP spokesperson Shehzad Poonawalla claimed that AAP leaders, including Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, issued “fatwas” to demolish these temples during their time in power.
Poonawalla presented documents he said proved AAP’s involvement in these demolitions, alleging that former Home Minister Satyendra Jain signed orders for the demolition of eight temples in 2016. However, Poonawalla also accused Jain of intervening to protect two unnamed mosques during the same period.
“The documents released to the public clearly show that from 2016 to 2023, AAP leaders signed orders to demolish temples, showing how deceitful the party truly is,” Poonawalla asserted, calling AAP the “biggest anti-Hindu party in India.” He added that the AAP, along with its allies such as the DMK, TMC, Left, and Congress, regularly spoke against Sanatan Dharma.
In response, Delhi Chief Minister Atishi accused the BJP of demolishing temples as well, citing a meeting of the Religious Committee in November 2023 that supposedly decided to demolish temples in various areas of Delhi, including West Patel Nagar and Dilshad Garden. Atishi called out the BJP for its “dual face” — publicly claiming to protect Hinduism while allegedly carrying out demolition orders behind the scenes.
The back-and-forth between the BJP and AAP has ignited further debates over the preservation of religious structures and the political dynamics surrounding them in Delhi.