In a shocking and tragic incident, Mohammad Arshad, a resident of Agra, allegedly murdered his mother, Asma, and his four sisters—Alia (9), Aksa (16), Rahmeen (18), and Alshia (19)—in a hotel room in Lucknow on Wednesday. After committing the grisly crime, Arshad made a chilling phone call to his uncle, Mohammad Zeeshan, confessing his actions.
In the disturbing 6.5-minute video shot by Arshad, he admitted to slitting the throats and wrists of his family members, claiming his father was also involved. The video surfaced shortly after the murder, with Arshad explaining that his actions were a response to his family’s ongoing harassment by neighbors.
The uncle, who spoke with PTI, recounted receiving the horrifying call from Arshad, who simply stated, “Uncle, I have killed the whole family.” The police quickly took the phone from Arshad following the confession.
Asma’s brother, Mohammad Zeeshan, expressed his grief and anger, stating he had last spoken to his sister four months ago. He described Asma as a simple, loving woman and called for the harshest punishment for Arshad, demanding he be hanged.
According to preliminary investigations, Arshad allegedly carried out the murders after a series of domestic disputes. He reportedly sedated the victims before strangling them and slashing their wrists. A police officer further revealed that Arshad feared for his own safety and believed that killing his family was the only way to protect them.
The tragic event has left the community in shock, with the five victims laid to rest today, and calls for justice growing louder.