Actor Allu Arjun, who was arrested in connection with the tragic stampede during the premiere of his film Pushpa 2: The Rule at Sandhya Theatre in Hyderabad, has received a significant relief from the Nampally court. On Saturday, the court relaxed some of his bail conditions, including an exemption from appearing at the Chikkadapally police station every Sunday. The actor’s counsel had previously requested this exemption, citing security concerns.
Additionally, the court granted Arjun permission to travel abroad, easing the restrictions that were imposed earlier. This move came just a day before Arjun was scheduled to report to the police station. The actor had already appeared before the police once since his release on bail.
Arjun was arrested on December 13, 2024, from his residence in Jubilee Hills after the stampede, which occurred on December 4 during the Pushpa 2 premiere. The incident led to the tragic death of a woman and left her young son critically injured. Following the event, Arjun, along with the theatre management and security personnel, was taken into custody based on a complaint filed by the victim’s family.
While Arjun was granted interim bail by the High Court on December 14, the Nampally court later granted him regular bail on January 3 with certain conditions, including a ban on leaving the country.
The court also clarified that the producers of Pushpa 2, Ravi Shankar and Naveen Yerneni, would not face arrest during the ongoing investigation.