Ahead of the February 5 Delhi Assembly elections, Delhi Chief Minister Atishi has intensified her attacks on the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), questioning its lack of a declared chief ministerial candidate. Speaking to the media, Atishi, who represents the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) in Kalkaji, reiterated that Arvind Kejriwal would be the party’s CM if AAP wins the election.
Atishi took aim at the BJP for not revealing their choice for CM, stating that while the people of Delhi know that Kejriwal will lead if AAP prevails, they are questioning who the BJP’s CM face will be. She suggested that Ramesh Bidhuri, her rival in Kalkaji and a former BJP MP, is being considered for the role, pointing to the ongoing internal discussions within the party.
She further criticized the BJP, mocking its internal dynamics, and claimed that the party had decided that its CM candidate would be the leader who engages in the most abusive language—a reference to Ramesh Bidhuri’s controversial remarks about smoothening roads in Kalkaji. Bidhuri recently faced backlash for inappropriate comments about Priyanka Gandhi’s cheek, later retracting his statement.
The confrontation has also seen AAP and BJP clash over allegations of voter list manipulation. Kejriwal met with Election Commission officials to allege the deletion of genuine voter names and the inclusion of fraudulent entries in the rolls. He also accused BJP’s Parvesh Verma of distributing money during campaigning.
Meanwhile, BJP workers held a protest march on Friday, expressing their dissatisfaction with Kejriwal’s remarks about the people of Purvanchal, accusing him of disrespecting communities from UP, Bihar, and Jharkhand.
The election on February 5 will determine the next Delhi Assembly, with results expected on February 8.