AYODHYA: The city is set to commemorate the first anniversary of the Ram Lalla idol’s consecration at the Ram Temple with a three-day festival from January 11 to 13, 2025. The Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra Trust has announced that, in addition to approximately 110 invited VIPs, the general public is encouraged to participate in the festivities.
A German hangar tent has been erected at Angad Teela, accommodating up to 5,000 attendees. The event will feature classical cultural performances, rituals, and daily Ram Katha discourses at the pavilion and Yagnashala. This initiative aims to include those who were unable to attend the historic ceremony last year.
Champat Rai, General Secretary of the Trust, stated, “The trust has decided to invite common people who could not attend the initial consecration ceremony last year. They will be allowed to join all three days of events at Angad Teela.”
The anniversary, known as ‘Pratishtha Dwadashi,’ will commence with Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath performing the ‘abhishek’ (anointment) of Ram Lalla in the temple’s sanctum sanctorum at 11:00 AM on January 11. Following the ceremony, the Chief Minister is scheduled to address the public at Angad Teela.
The three-day celebrations will include special prayers, cultural programs, and performances by prominent artists and local saints, aiming to include those who missed the initial ceremony.
Source: Web Team,C6N