Mumbai: Tensions escalated in the Bharat Nagar area of Bandra Kurla Complex as hundreds of residents staged protests on Thursday morning, opposing the government’s planned demolition of their homes. The protest was triggered after the Slum Rehabilitation Authority (SRA) served demolition notices to 188–190 structures in one section of the locality, informing residents of the impending action.
The controversy surrounding the redevelopment project, which has been a source of conflict for nearly two decades, intensified earlier this week when Zeeshan Siddique, the son of the late politician Baba Siddique, expressed shock over a police chargesheet that omitted the Bharat Nagar slum redevelopment from its investigation. Siddique had previously linked the redevelopment project to his father’s death.
The redevelopment project is being undertaken by Budhpur Buildcon, an Ahmedabad-based subsidiary of the Adani Group, in partnership with Omkar Developers. The project has stirred ongoing disputes, particularly over the classification of Bharat Nagar as a slum. Many residents argue that the area should not be labeled as a slum but should instead be recognized under Maharashtra Housing and Area Development Authority (MHADA) regulations.
Residents have also pointed out that the matter is currently under review in the Bombay High Court, urging that no demolition should proceed until the court reaches a verdict. Local authorities, however, proceeded with their plans, triggering further protests.
Bandra East MLA Varun Sardesai, who joined the protests, emphasized that while he did not oppose the development project, residents should first be informed about their relocation options. He called for an agreement between the administration and the residents, ensuring that they are not forcefully displaced. Sardesai also reminded officials that the Supreme Court had issued a temporary stay on the demolition.
As of now, the Supreme Court’s intervention has temporarily halted the demolition, but the broader redevelopment project remains controversial. Residents are concerned about potential displacement, and the lack of clarity regarding rehabilitation plans continues to fuel resistance to the project. The developers and authorities have yet to provide a clear response to residents’ concerns, leaving the situation unresolved.