The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has intensified its criticism of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, dubbing him “Advertisement Baba” over alleged excessive spending on advertisements and the controversial renovation of his official residence, now referred to as the ‘Sheesh Mahal.’
During a press briefing on Monday, BJP spokesperson Sambit Patra highlighted alleged discrepancies reported by the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG). According to the report, the total cost of renovating the Chief Minister’s residence amounted to Rs.33.66 crore—342.31% higher than the original estimate of Rs.7.61 crore. The renovation project was greenlit on March 17, 2020, during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, when numerous public development projects faced delays.
Patra claimed that the Public Works Department (PWD) approved a proposal to demolish and expand the residence within a single day, raising concerns about the tendering process. The BJP accused Kejriwal’s administration of prioritizing personal luxuries over public welfare during a critical time.
The BJP also criticized the Delhi government’s advertising expenditures. Highlighting data from the CAG, Patra pointed out that Rs.80 crore was spent on advertisements for the ‘Business Blasters’ scheme, which itself had a budget of only Rs.54 crore. Similarly, another scheme with an allocated budget of Rs.1.9 crore saw advertisement spending soar to Rs.27.9 crore.
“This level of extravagance amid a pandemic is unacceptable. Kejriwal has misused taxpayer money for personal benefits and self-promotion,” Patra alleged, further urging the public to question such expenditures.
The controversy surrounding the ‘Sheesh Mahal’ and the alleged misuse of public funds has triggered a political storm, with the BJP calling for greater accountability from Kejriwal and his government. Meanwhile, the Aam Aadmi Party is yet to respond to the allegations.