The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) unveiled the second part of its manifesto, or Sankalp Patra, for the Delhi Assembly Elections 2025, focusing on youth education and welfare programs. The launch event featured BJP leaders Anurag Thakur, Ramvir Singh Bidhuri, Manoj Tiwari, Virendra Sachdeva, and Vijender Gupta.
Key Promises to Students
- Financial Assistance for Exam Aspirants:
- Competitive exam aspirants will receive Rs.15,000 in financial aid.
- Travel and application fees for exams will be reimbursed twice.
- Free Education from KG to PG:
- The party promises free education in government institutions for needy students, from kindergarten to post-graduation.
- Stipend for SC Students:
- Scheduled Caste students enrolled in technical and commerce courses will receive a ₹1,000 monthly stipend under the Dr. BR Ambedkar Stipend Scheme.
Welfare for Workers
The BJP manifesto also includes welfare measures for taxi drivers, auto-rickshaw operators, and domestic workers. Key highlights include:
- Formation of welfare boards for these workers.
- Life and accident insurance coverage.
- Scholarships for their children’s education.
Criticism from AAP
Former Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal sharply criticized the BJP’s manifesto, calling it a “dangerous blueprint” for the country. He alleged that the BJP plans to dismantle Delhi’s free education and healthcare services, making it difficult for the underprivileged to survive.
“The BJP’s Sankalp Patra is a direct attack on government schools and Mohalla Clinics, which have been lifelines for many,” Kejriwal said.
The Bigger Picture
The BJP’s promises aim to counter the freebie-based model of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), which has long been a cornerstone of Delhi politics. The party’s focus on education, financial aid, and welfare measures seeks to appeal to a broad voter base, including students, marginalized communities, and workers.
For more updates and a detailed comparison of promises by AAP and BJP, stay tuned to Channel 6 Network.