In a significant move against food adulteration, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) raided nine locations in Madhya Pradesh on Wednesday. The raids, conducted in Bhopal, Sehore, and Morena, are linked to Jayshri Gayatri Food Products Pvt Ltd. The company is under investigation for producing and exporting adulterated milk products using forged lab certificates.
ED Discovers Falsified Documents and Adulterated Milk Exports
The ED’s investigation uncovered that the directors of Jayshri Gayatri Food Products, Kishan Modi and Rajendra Prasad Modi, were involved in falsifying 63 lab certificates. These forged documents allowed the company to export substandard milk products to multiple countries, including Bahrain, Hong Kong, Singapore, Oman, Qatar, and the UAE. The ED is now examining financial records and business practices to uncover the scale of the fraudulent activities.
About Jayshri Gayatri Food Products Pvt Ltd
Established in 2013 and based in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, Jayshri Gayatri Food Products Pvt Ltd is a key player in the dairy industry, operating under the brand name “Milk Magic.” The company produces a variety of dairy products, including paneer, mozzarella cheese, ghee, and more. In the fiscal year ending March 31, 2022, it reported revenues between Rs 100 crore and Rs 500 crore.
This raid serves as a warning about the dangers of adulteration in the food sector and underscores the ED’s commitment to ensuring food safety.
Source: Web Team, C6N