Kangana Ranaut has unveiled the trailer for her highly anticipated film Emergency, which delves into one of the most turbulent periods in Indian history. The gripping political drama, set during the 1975 Emergency declared by former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, showcases Kangana in the role of Gandhi herself, making bold decisions that dramatically reshape the nation.
The trailer, released on Monday via Zee Studios’ YouTube channel and shared by Kangana on X (formerly Twitter), runs just under two minutes but is packed with intense moments. In it, Kangana’s Indira Gandhi is seen telling the President, “I am the cabinet,” a statement that sets the stage for the dramatic unfolding of events. Anupam Kher plays the role of Jayaprakash Narayan, who, while imprisoned, writes a letter to Gandhi. Meanwhile, Shreyas Talpade portrays the iconic Atal Bihari Vajpayee.
The trailer captures a pivotal moment when Gandhi, in a defiant speech, declares that the only way to accept the truth is by waging war, leading to chaos and violence across the country. Milind Soman, playing Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw, confronts her about her intentions, but Gandhi’s resolute glance confirms her determination to push forward. The trailer culminates with the haunting line, “Indira is India,” encapsulating the magnitude of the decision.
Kangana shared her thoughts on the film, tweeting, “1975, Emergency — A Defining chapter in Indian History. Indira: India’s most powerful woman. Her ambition transformed the nation, but her #EMERGENCY plunged it into chaos.”
Directed, written, and co-produced by Kangana herself, Emergency is set to release in theatres on January 17, 2025. The film also stars Mahima Chaudhry as Pupul Jayakar, Ashok Chhabra as Morarji Desai, Vishak Nair as Sanjay Gandhi, and the late Satish Kaushik as Jagjivan Ram. Originally scheduled for a September 2024 release, the film faced delays after missing clearance from the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC).
The film promises to offer a deep dive into the political turmoil and personal battles surrounding the imposition of Emergency, a chapter that reshaped India’s democracy.