In a horrifying incident in Maharashtra’s Nashik district, a father and son murdered their neighbor, severed his head, and brought it to the local police station to surrender. The gruesome crime unfolded on Wednesday morning in Nanashi village, Dindori taluka, according to police reports.
The accused, Suresh Boke (40), and his son allegedly attacked their neighbor, Gulab Ramchandra Waghmare (35), with an axe and sickle. The two families had been embroiled in a long-standing feud, which escalated after Boke suspected Waghmare of aiding his daughter in eloping.
According to officials, both families had filed police complaints against each other just a day before the murder. Following the crime, the accused approached the Nanashi Outpost police station with the victim’s severed head and the weapons used in the attack.
The news of the incident triggered outrage in the village. Infuriated locals vandalized Boke’s house and set his car on fire. To manage the rising tensions, the authorities deployed State Reserve Police Force (SRPF) personnel and local police to maintain order.
The police registered a case under the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) sections for murder, intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of peace, and criminal intimidation. They arrested the accused father and detained his son for questioning. The authorities then handed both over to the Dindori police, who will present them in court.
This gruesome act underscores a pattern of violent crimes arising from personal disputes in India. In December, a man in West Bengal killed and beheaded his sister-in-law after she rejected his advances. Similarly, a family in Delhi’s Govindpuri area killed a neighbor following a dispute over the use of a common toilet.
The Nashik incident has left the community in shock and has once again highlighted the urgent need for conflict resolution and stricter law enforcement to curb such heinous acts.