A deadly fire broke out in a Mumbai high-rise building, where renowned Bollywood singer Udit Narayan resides, leaving one person dead and another hospitalized. The incident occurred on Monday night in the 13-story Sky Pan building, located in the Oberoi Complex in Andheri.
The fire, which started on the 11th floor in the B wing, caused significant damage to electric wiring, installations, and household articles within the flat. After a strenuous battle with the flames, the fire was brought under control around 1:49 am on Tuesday, nearly four hours later.
Two individuals were affected by smoke inhalation, with one, 75-year-old Rahul Mishra, tragically declared dead upon arrival at the hospital. The other victim, 38-year-old Raunak Mishra, was treated for suffocation but later discharged against medical advice.
Udit Narayan, who resides in the A wing of the building, described the frightening situation, explaining that the fire erupted in the B wing. He expressed his gratitude for the safety of his family and others, stating, “It was very dangerous, anything could’ve happened. Grateful to the almighty and our well-wishers that we are safe.”
Initial investigations by the fire brigade suggest that a short circuit may have caused the blaze, though the exact cause is still under investigation. A fire official mentioned that the building’s firefighting system was not functional, making the firefighting operation challenging.
Sources indicate that five people lived in the affected duplex flat, with three, including domestic staff, escaping unharmed. The building’s housing society has yet to comment on the incident.