Laurence “Laurie” Holloway, the renowned musical director for Strictly Come Dancing and Parkinson, has passed away at the age of 86 after a short illness, his family confirmed. Holloway, a celebrated English composer and jazz musician, had a distinguished career spanning several decades. He began his musical journey as a pianist in dance bands before achieving fame for his work with numerous iconic artists, including Engelbert Humperdinck, Sir Tom Jones, Judy Garland, and Liza Minnelli, among others.
Holloway was also the musical director for the first three seasons of Strictly Come Dancing and worked on Parkinson, where his late wife, singer Marion Montgomery, was a regular guest. His career included composing TV theme tunes, including for shows such as Blind Date, Game For A Laugh, and Beadle’s About. He also contributed to Petula Clark’s hit Downtown.
In 2013, Holloway was awarded an MBE for his services to music, and he was deeply proud of the charity he co-founded with Marion, The Montgomery Holloway Music Trust, which supports young singers. The family shared a statement describing him as a “much loved and wonderful person,” whose legacy will be cherished by those who knew him.
Holloway is survived by his daughters, Karon and Abigail, and three grandsons, Freddie, Henry, and Alfie. His death marks the end of a remarkable musical career that has left a lasting impact on the industry.