In a shocking incident, the police arrested four Indian nationals in central Nepal on charges of abducting a Chinese national. The abduction took place after the victim allegedly duped the suspects in a gambling scam, according to police reports.
A special police team made the arrests on Tuesday after intercepting an Indian-registered vehicle traveling from Kathmandu to Hetauda. The vehicle carried the Chinese national, who was reportedly taken against his will. The police identified the arrested individuals as Ashutosh Dattatreya (32), Amol Karmate (30), Afsar Seikh (40), and Amol Shrisat (33), all from Maharashtra, India.
Nepal Police, as reported by the government daily Gorkhapatra, said that the four men had abducted the Chinese citizen because they believed he had cheated them in connection with an illegal gambling scheme. The police investigation revealed that the Chinese man had lured the Indian nationals into a gambling operation and allegedly tricked them out of money.
The police intercepted the vehicle, which carried the abducted individual, near the town of Hetauda, about 140 kilometers south of Kathmandu. The authorities took swift action after they received intelligence about the situation, and they apprehended the suspects without further incident.
The suspects were reportedly en route to Hetauda when the police operation took place.It is unclear whether the authorities harmed the Chinese national during the abduction, but they are continuing to investigate the circumstances surrounding the case.
The Indian nationals claim that they linked the motive behind the abduction to a dispute over an illegal gambling operation. Authorities prohibit gambling in Nepal, and such operations often run covertly, attracting individuals who seek to profit through unscrupulous means. Investigators suspect that the Chinese individual involved was part of this illegal network, although the details remain unclear.
The case has raised concerns about the increasing number of cross-border crimes in the region, with individuals from neighboring countries becoming involved in criminal activities in Nepal. The Nepal Police have assured the public that they will take further legal actions against the arrested individuals, and they are conducting a full investigation to determine the full scope of the incident.
As of now, authorities have not disclosed the Chinese national’s identity, and it is unclear whether he will face any legal consequences in Nepal for his alleged involvement in illegal activities. However, investigators are focusing on the suspects, who the police have taken into custody and who now face charges related to abduction and unlawful activities.
This case highlights the complexities of international criminal activities and the importance of cross-border law enforcement cooperation in ensuring the safety and security of individuals.