The Indian government has approved the import of laptops and tablets for the entire year of 2025, while introducing a mid-year review mechanism to avoid any market shortages. This flexible policy aims to ensure steady supply, with adjustments based on demand and supply trends throughout the year, according to industry reports.
A key part of the new policy includes an estimated 5% reduction in the total imports of laptops and tablets. The shortfall is expected to be compensated by increased local manufacturing. By the second half of 2025, local production for all major laptop brands is expected to ramp up, and the government will also establish a base year for calculating demand and supply.
The mid-year review will assess brand-specific demand and determine whether additional imports are necessary. If demand exceeds the approved imports, the government will authorize further shipments. Conversely, if local production doesn’t meet demand, the government may scale back import approvals.
This shift to a more liberal import policy follows the government’s decision to defer a licensing regime for imports in 2024. However, import authorization was still required to monitor the balance between imports and local production. The new system for 2025 is designed to give manufacturers ample time to transition to domestic production while ensuring consistent supply.
Import approvals for laptops and tablets will be valid throughout 2025, from January 1 to December 31, providing manufacturers with flexibility in meeting market demand.