Amid rising pollution levels in the Delhi-National Capital Region (NCR), the Centre has re-imposed GRAP IV restrictions to curb the worsening air quality. The decision, announced on Wednesday, follows a significant deterioration in the air quality, prompting the Commission for Air Quality Management (CAQM) sub-committee to take immediate action under Stage-III and Stage-IV of the Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP).
The new measures are being enforced as part of a broader effort to prevent air quality from slipping further into the “Severe+” category. The GRAP guidelines, which categorize air quality into four stages, aim to mitigate pollution levels by taking specific actions at each stage. The latest restrictions come in addition to those already in place under Stage I and Stage II.
“All actions under the GRAP schedule will be implemented, monitored, and reviewed by the relevant agencies across the NCR region,” said a CAQM statement. The agencies have been instructed to intensify monitoring and enforcement efforts to ensure that air quality does not worsen further. The statement also urged residents to adhere to the citizen charter outlined under GRAP, highlighting the importance of public cooperation in combating pollution.
Earlier this month, on January 12, the CAQM had lifted the Stage-3 restrictions after air quality showed signs of improvement due to rainfall. However, with the recent spike in pollution, stricter measures had to be reintroduced.
Under the Stage-IV restrictions, several critical curbs are in place, including a complete ban on all construction activities, the prohibition of non-essential polluting trucks entering Delhi, and a shift to online classes for most students in schools, except for those in Classes 10 and 12. Additionally, diesel-run trucks, especially those that are BS-IV or older, are banned from entering the city, except for essential services.
The GRAP system, which categorizes air quality based on AQI (Air Quality Index) levels, divides pollution into four stages: Stage 1 (Poor, AQI between 201-300), Stage 2 (Very Poor, AQI between 301-400), Stage 3 (Severe, AQI between 401-450), and Stage 4 (Severe Plus, AQI above 450). During the winter months, the region often experiences hazardous air quality due to a combination of unfavorable weather conditions, vehicle emissions, burning of paddy straw, firecrackers, and other local sources of pollution.
As the Delhi-NCR region grapples with air pollution, the reintroduction of GRAP 4 measures aims to mitigate the harmful effects of poor air quality on residents’ health and well-being.