In a heartwarming show of solidarity, Hollywood stars Halle Berry, Sharon Stone, and Michelle Pfeiffer have generously donated their personal belongings to help those affected by the devastating wildfires in Southern California. The actresses have cleared out their closets and offered clothing, shoes, blankets, and other essentials to The Coop, a Beverly Hills store that is collecting items for wildfire victims.
Halle Berry shared her efforts in an Instagram video, where she revealed she was packing up her entire closet to contribute to the relief efforts. “I’m heading over to the COOP! If you live in the Southern California area, I urge you to do the same,” she wrote. Halle thanked Sharon Stone for her leadership in championing the cause, expressing gratitude for the opportunity to make a difference. In the video, she showed the piles of donations, including coats, shoes, socks, and children’s toys, ready for those displaced by the fire.
Sharon Stone, who has also donated to The Coop, used her Instagram platform to encourage others to contribute and spread awareness about the relief efforts. Sharing updates from the store, she showed how donations were pouring in, including essentials like clothing, toiletries, and bedding. Stone also shared that she had opened her own home to provide shelter for displaced families.
The ongoing wildfires have claimed at least 11 lives and left numerous neighborhoods devastated. Celebrities like Cameron Mathison, Paris Hilton, and Billy Crystal have also been affected, with several losing their homes. The donations from stars like Halle and Sharon are offering much-needed support to those in crisis.