The Bhiwani Police have arrested an additional suspect in the case involving the suicide of a Dalit student from Loharu. The arrested individual, Hanuman, is identified as the father of Rahul, one of the key suspects. The case, which has sparked significant controversy, involves allegations against a local college, including claims of harassment related to unpaid fees and coercion.
The tragic incident has led to a public outcry, with accusations that the college authorities pressured the student into a physical relationship with the college director’s son in exchange for fee waivers. Following these allegations, a committee has been formed by the District Deputy Commissioner of Bhiwani to probe the matter further. The committee includes the Sub-Divisional Officer of Loharu, the Deputy Superintendent of Police, and the District Higher Education Officer of Bhiwani.
Haryana Minister Gaurav Gautam, responding to the situation, emphasized the need for a thorough inquiry into the matter and assured the public that the state government would ensure justice. “We stand with the statement made by Krishan Singh Bedi. If Congress members are involved, it is condemnable, and there should be an inquiry,” Gautam said.
Earlier, Haryana Social Justice and Empowerment Minister Krishan Bedi raised concerns about the involvement of Congress-linked figures in the case. He alleged that the college was run by a Congress politician and accused Congress leaders of attempting to shift the narrative. Bedi also demanded that Congress leaders Kumari Selja and Randeep Singh Surjewala retract their social media posts and apologize for their remarks regarding the incident.
This case has garnered attention due to its sensitive nature and the serious accusations surrounding the college’s administration and its involvement in the student’s tragic death.