A Bengaluru woman narrowly escaped harm on Thursday night after jumping from a moving auto-rickshaw, fearing for her safety as the driver veered off course. The incident occurred in East Bengaluru when the woman, who had booked the ride via the Namma Yatri app, realized that the driver was taking her in an unfamiliar direction despite her clear instructions.
The woman, traveling from Horamavu to her home in Thanisandra, grew alarmed when the driver began heading toward Hebbal, far from her intended route. Despite multiple requests to stop, the driver ignored her, further raising suspicions when she noticed signs of intoxication, including red eyes.
As the auto approached Nagavara, the driver made a sudden, incorrect turn onto a flyover, prompting the woman to take drastic action. Fearing for her safety, she jumped from the moving vehicle as it slowed near a down ramp. Fortunately, she escaped without injury.
After the woman jumped out, the driver attempted to convince her to return to the auto, but she refused. Opting for safety, she paid for the ride online and took another auto to reach her destination.
The woman’s husband, Azhar Khan, shared the alarming incident on social media, tagging Bengaluru city police and claiming the driver was intoxicated at the time. Khan expressed his concern over the risks women face, especially while traveling at night, emphasizing the grave safety issue.
In response, Namma Yatri thanked Khan for his time on a call and assured him of further assistance. Although the woman initially hesitated to report the incident out of fear of retaliation, the police reached out to Khan after the social media post gained traction.