Rory Callum Sykes, a former child actor best known for his role in the 1998 British TV series Kiddy Kapers, tragically lost his life in the devastating Malibu wildfires. The 32-year-old, who had cerebral palsy, was unable to evacuate his family’s Malibu home due to his physical disabilities. His mother, Shelley Sykes, shared the heartbreaking story of his death on social media.
Sykes, originally from Australia, lived on a 17-acre estate in Mount Malibu. As the fire rapidly approached their property, Shelley attempted to evacuate her son but was unable to move him due to his condition. In an emotional tribute on X (formerly Twitter), Shelley revealed the final conversation she had with her son. Rory, fearful for her safety, told her to leave him behind and save herself. “He said, ‘Mom, leave me,’ and no mom can leave their kid,” Shelley shared, adding that she was physically unable to lift him due to a broken arm.
In a desperate attempt to save him, Shelley ran to find help from firefighters, but when she returned, their home was completely consumed by flames. Tragically, Rory died from carbon monoxide poisoning before she could return to him.
Rory was remembered as a talented and inspiring individual. Despite his disability, he had become a motivational speaker, encouraging others to live fulfilling lives regardless of physical challenges. Shelley fondly remembered him as a wonderful son who brought joy to everyone around him, including his pet peacocks, Edgee and Mickie.
The Los Angeles wildfires have caused widespread devastation, destroying over 30,000 acres and claiming at least 11 lives. The fires are part of a growing crisis attributed to climate change, with experts warning of more intense fire seasons in the future.