In a momentous achievement for Indian cinema, Sabar Bonda, a Marathi film directed by Rohan Parashuram Kanawade, clinched the prestigious World Cinema Grand Jury Prize: Dramatic at the 2025 Sundance Film Festival. The film, which made history as the first-ever Marathi feature to premiere at the renowned festival, was the sole Indian film in competition this year, marking a significant milestone for both Kanawade and Indian cinema on the global stage.
Sabar Bonda tells the heartfelt story of Anand, a 30-something city man who must spend ten days mourning his father in a remote village in Maharashtra. While there, he forms a deep emotional bond with a local farmer struggling with his own personal conflicts. As the mourning period ends, Anand must confront the complexities of his feelings and the future of his relationship, which blossomed under duress. The film’s unique narrative captures the tension between personal freedom and societal expectations, particularly through its exploration of queer identity.
The official announcement of the win was made by Sundance’s social media channels on Friday evening, celebrating the film’s powerful storytelling and cultural relevance. Starring Bhushaan Manoj and Suraaj Suman in the lead roles, Sabar Bonda explores themes of love, loss, and self-discovery with an intimate and candid approach.
The film is a co-production between India, the United Kingdom, and Canada. The cast and crew, including first-time producer Jim Sarbh, attended the festival’s world premiere. Critics have praised the film for honestly portraying queer lives in India, breaking new ground in representing LGBTQ+ narratives in the country’s cinema.
Hindustan Times noted the film’s precise and personal filmmaking style, describing it as “a piercingly honest document on Indian queer lives.” This recognition marks a significant step forward in terms of visibility and acceptance of queer identities in Indian film. The review emphasized the importance of allowing individuals the freedom to define their own identities and love whom they choose, a central theme of Sabar Bonda.
The film’s win at Sundance continues a strong legacy for Indian cinema at the festival. In 2024, Girls Will Be Girls, directed by Shuchi Talati and produced by Richa Chadha and Ali Fazal, won both The Audience Award in the World Cinema Dramatic category and the Special Jury Award for Acting for its lead, Preeti Panigrahi. Indian documentaries have also made waves in recent years, with films like Nocturnes, directed by Anirban Dutta and Anupama Srinivasan, earning the World Cinema Documentary Special Jury Award for Craft in 2024. Additionally, past winners like Writing with Fire and All That Breathes have added to India’s impressive track record at the festival.
Sabar Bonda’s win cements the growing influence of Indian filmmakers on the global stage, highlighting the country’s evolving film industry that continues to tackle important social issues with authenticity and depth.