Kangana Ranaut has officially started filming for her next project alongside R Madhavan, reuniting with her Tanu Weds Manu co-star. Sharing her excitement, Kangana posted a photo of the film’s clapperboard on Instagram Stories, captioned, “Nothing is more delightful than being on a film set.”
This untitled movie, described as a psychological thriller, is directed by Vijay and produced by R Ravindran under Trident Arts. The actor had earlier teased the project in 2023, posting on X (formerly Twitter) about an “unusual and exciting script.”
The announcement follows the release of Kangana’s latest film, Emergency, where she portrayed former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. Apart from acting, Kangana also directed, wrote, and produced the political drama, which hit theaters on January 17, 2025.
Kangana and Madhavan: A Reunion Fans Love
Kangana and R Madhavan previously delivered box-office hits with Tanu Weds Manu (2011) and its sequel Tanu Weds Manu Returns (2015). Their on-screen chemistry made the franchise immensely popular, and their reunion is already generating buzz among fans.
Madhavan’s Recent Work
R Madhavan recently appeared in the ZEE5 film Hisaab Barabar, showcasing his versatility.
What to Expect
While details of the new film remain under wraps, the combination of Kangana’s dynamic performances and Madhavan’s compelling screen presence promises an intriguing psychological thriller.