Kangana Ranaut’s political drama Emergency has made a strong debut at the box office, earning Rs 7.39 crore in just two days, according to the film’s makers. The film, released on Friday, brings to life a significant period in Indian history, focusing on the controversial 21 months of Emergency imposed by then-Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, from 1975 to 1977.
Ranaut, who not only stars in the film but also directs it, portrays the role of Indira Gandhi, capturing the political turmoil and challenges of that era. Emergency has sparked discussions and controversies, particularly regarding its portrayal of historical events and its handling of the Sikh community’s representation. The film also faced challenges related to its censor certificate, leading to several delays before its release.
Despite these controversies, the film has seen a solid turnout at the domestic box office, with audiences showing interest in the portrayal of such a pivotal moment in Indian history. Emergency aims to offer a detailed, dramatic retelling of events during one of India’s most contentious political periods.
With the film still in its opening phase, the response so far shows a mix of curiosity and debate, ensuring that Emergency remains a topic of discussion in the coming days. The film is expected to see an increase in earnings as more viewers watch it in the following weeks.