Mumbai: Kangana Ranaut’s much-anticipated directorial venture, Emergency, has achieved an impressive opening weekend collection of ₹10.45 crore at the domestic box office. The film, which depicts the controversial 21-month Emergency period in India from 1975 to 1977, features Ranaut in the role of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.
Box Office Breakdown
The political drama opened to ₹2.5 crore on Friday, followed by a steady rise in collections over the weekend. Saturday witnessed earnings of ₹3.6 crore, while Sunday saw a significant boost with ₹4.35 crore, reflecting positive word-of-mouth and audience engagement.
Audience Reception and Competition
Despite competing with other releases, Emergency has managed to emerge as the leader for the weekend. The film’s focus on a defining period in Indian history and Kangana Ranaut’s gripping portrayal have struck a chord with the audience, leading to consistent growth in ticket sales.
Critical and Commercial Analysis
While the box office numbers are encouraging, the film has received mixed critical reviews. Some critics praised the historical relevance and bold narrative, while others pointed out inconsistencies in storytelling and characterization. Nonetheless, the film’s ability to spark conversations around a politically sensitive era is being seen as its biggest achievement.
What Lies Ahead
With a promising opening weekend, the film’s performance during the weekdays will play a crucial role in determining its overall box office success. If the positive trends continue, Emergency could solidify its standing as a significant addition to Kangana Ranaut’s filmography.
Source: Web Team, C6N