MUMBAI: In a shocking turn of events, Bollywood celebrities Kapil Sharma, Rajpal Yadav, and Remo D’Souza have received threatening emails, leading to an official police investigation. The Mumbai Police have registered FIRs and are now looking into the origin of these alarming threats.
The first email, allegedly sent on December 14, 2024, was directed at actor Rajpal Yadav. The sender, who identified himself as “Vishnu,” threatened to harm Yadav, his family, and comedian Kapil Sharma. The email claimed to have been monitoring the activities of the recipients, warning them to take the message seriously. The threatening mail urged confidentiality and emphasized that it wasn’t a publicity stunt but a matter requiring immediate attention.
Following the threat, Rajpal Yadav’s wife, Radha Yadav, filed a formal complaint with the Amboli Police Station on December 17. As a result, an FIR was registered under Section 351(3) of the Indian Penal Code, which pertains to threats of harm. According to initial findings, the email was traced back to Pakistan, and authorities are now working on identifying the person behind the threats.
Choreographer Remo D’Souza and his wife Lizelle also received similar emails. However, Lizelle D’Souza clarified that they viewed these as spam messages. She reassured the public that they had reported the incident to the cyber police, who are actively investigating the case.
Despite the D’Souzas dismissing the claims as a false alarm, the threats against the celebrities have raised serious concerns about the safety and security of public figures in the entertainment industry.
The Mumbai Police have assured that all necessary steps are being taken to ensure the protection of the individuals involved and to swiftly trace and apprehend the responsible party. Meanwhile, the industry and fans alike remain on edge as investigations continue.
Source: Web Team, C6N