Actress Kat Dennings, known for her roles in 2 Broke Girls and Shifting Gears, recently revealed the harsh reality of auditioning in Hollywood during the 90s. In an interview with People, Dennings discussed the “very cruel” comments casting directors made about her when she was just a child. The 38-year-old star reflected on the stark differences in the industry then compared to the more inclusive and supportive environment of today.
Dennings, who began acting at the age of nine, recalled how casting directors often made unsolicited and hurtful remarks about her appearance. She described the audition process at the time as an extremely negative and harsh environment, lacking the inclusivity and body positivity that has become more common in recent years. “There was not a lot of inclusivity at all. It was very harsh. There was a lot of extremely negative feedback, and people would not hold back,” she explained.
The actress revealed that, at just 12 years old, casting directors subjected her to comments that were not only rude but also body-shaming. “I’d go into an audition, and my manager would call me and ask, ‘How’d it go?’ and they’d say, ‘Well, they thought you weren’t pretty enough and you’re fat,’” Dennings recalled, recalling how the casting feedback was both jarring and inappropriate for a child. Looking back on the experience, she marveled at how casting directors could be so blunt and insensitive, especially when discussing a young person. “It was pretty crazy thinking about it. I’m like, ‘How can anyone say that about a little kid? This is insane,'” Dennings said.
Despite the negative feedback, Dennings maintained a strong sense of self-confidence, which helped her navigate the tough industry environment. She was determined to prove the critics wrong, stating, “I was like, ‘I’ll show them.’” She credited her parents for supporting her emotionally and reinforcing her sense of self-worth. “Props to my parents, because they were like, ‘They’re idiots. Don’t listen to them.’ And I was like, ‘They’re idiots, I’m not,’” Dennings added.
In the interview, Dennings also acknowledged how much the entertainment industry has evolved over the years. The actress pointed out that the current environment is much “softer” and “kinder,” with a stronger focus on body positivity, inclusivity, and representation. “There’s body positivity, there’s inclusivity, there’s representation, and there was none of that before. It was really gross,” she shared.
Dennings’ candid reflection on the challenges she faced as a young actress highlights the progress the industry has made while also reminding us of the toxic standards that many children in Hollywood once had to endure. Today, with more emphasis on mental health, diversity, and empowerment, the industry has started to shift toward a more positive, supportive space for both newcomers and seasoned stars.