A 15-year-old student from Kerala’s Kochi district tragically ended his life on January 15, 2025, after enduring relentless bullying at school due to his skin color. The young boy, identified as Mihir Ahammed, jumped from the 26th floor of his apartment building in Thripunithura, Kochi, following a day of severe ragging.
Mother’s Heartbreaking Account
Mihir’s mother has come forward to reveal the harrowing details of the abuse her son suffered. She reported that Mihir was subjected to extreme physical and verbal abuse, including being forced to lick toilet seats and having his head shoved into a flushing toilet. These acts of humiliation were reportedly due to his skin color.
Investigation and Allegations
In the wake of Mihir’s death, his mother filed a formal complaint at the Hill Palace Police Station in Thripunithura, urging a thorough investigation into the bullying he endured. She also submitted a petition to the Child Commission, highlighting the mistreatment by the Vice Principal of his previous school. The petition alleges that the school authorities attempted to suppress the truth, only informing the family that the matter was forwarded to the police.
Public Outcry and Call for Justice
The incident has sparked widespread outrage, with many calling for justice and systemic changes to prevent such tragedies. Mihir’s mother has appealed to the public, stating, “I am begging for justice for my son. His death must not go in vain. Those responsible for this barbaric act must face the full force of the law.”
Similar Incidents in Kerala
This tragic event is not isolated. Earlier this month, a 19-year-old woman, Shahana Mumthaz, died by suspected suicide after allegedly facing mental abuse from her husband and in-laws due to her skin color. Her family claims that she was subjected to constant harassment, leading to her emotional distress.
These incidents underscore the urgent need to address bullying and discrimination in educational institutions. It is imperative to create a safe and supportive environment for all students, free from harassment based on skin color or any other form of discrimination.