Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge took to social media on Saturday to accuse Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) of exacerbating the ongoing violence in Manipur. His comments followed a clash in Kangpokpi district, in which a senior police officer and others were injured during protests amid the state’s ongoing ethnic strife.
Kharge criticized PM Modi for his apparent lack of engagement with Manipur since his last visit in January 2022, when he campaigned for the BJP. Kharge pointed out the eruption of violence in May 2023, emphasizing the BJP’s failure to address the situation, despite the escalating tensions between the Meitei community and the tribal Kukis.
The Congress leader also claimed that satellite images had revealed widespread destruction in Manipur, with entire villages reportedly wiped out. He cited media reports to support his claims and demanded greater accountability from the government.
Kharge sharply criticized Manipur Chief Minister N. Biren Singh, describing him as “incompetent” and “shameless” after the recent mob attack on the Superintendent of Police in Kangpokpi. He accused Singh of ignoring the state’s needs, asserting that Modi’s absence and lack of action were contributing to the unrest.
Kharge further stated that the BJP had vested interests in keeping Manipur in turmoil, calling the party the “matchstick which burnt Manipur.” He condemned the violence, which has led to over 250 deaths and displaced 60,000 people, many of whom have been living in refugee camps for nearly 20 months. He reminded both the Union and State governments of their constitutional duty to restore peace, referencing the Supreme Court’s comments on the matter.
The clash in Kangpokpi occurred amid an economic blockade imposed by the Kuki-Zo Council, which is demanding the removal of central forces from the region.