A seasoned graphic designer from Mumbai, Kamlesh Kamtekar, has shared his remarkable journey of transitioning from a creative career to becoming an autorickshaw driver after facing months of job rejections. His heartfelt post on LinkedIn, which has since gone viral, highlights the harsh realities of unemployment and his decision to take an unconventional route to make ends meet.
Kamtekar, who had 14 years of experience in the design industry, worked as an assistant creative manager before being laid off. Despite sending out numerous resumes and networking extensively, he faced repeated rejections. “I reached out to many friends for referrals, but none were successful. I applied to countless positions on LinkedIn, but my applications were consistently rejected,” Kamtekar wrote in his post.
After facing numerous setbacks, Kamtekar faced the harsh reality that many companies rejected him due to his salary expectations. Rather than continue struggling to find a suitable job, he decided to start his own venture, albeit in a completely different field. “I thought, why not start my own business and earn money at the same low salary? At least I’ll have my own income,” he explained.
In a bold move, Kamtekar chose to set aside his graphic design career and embrace the life of an autorickshaw driver. “So I decided to sacrifice all my designing skills and drive an autorickshaw. Give me your blessing for my new business,” he concluded his post, signaling his resilience and determination to make a fresh start.
Kamtekar’s post struck a deep chord with the online community, with many expressing empathy and admiration for his decision. Several users praised his courage, with one commenter saying, “It’s heartbreaking to see talent like this go unrecognized. Wishing you the best in your new journey.” Others expressed frustration with the industry’s treatment of experienced professionals, while many applauded Kamtekar’s boldness in taking control of his own life and future.
His story has resonated with countless others facing similar struggles, serving as a poignant reminder of the larger challenges in the job market today.