Actor and singer Lisa Mishra, known for her hits like “Tareefan” and “Chandigarh Mein,” is carving a niche for herself in the acting world with her role in the 2024 Prime Video web series Call Me Bae. The 30-year-old actress, who has long had a passion for being in front of the camera, recently shared her experience of transitioning from a singer and content creator to a dedicated actor.
Mishra portrays Harleen Babbar, a determined news producer in Call Me Bae, a comedy-drama set in the fast-paced world of TV journalism. The show, directed by Colin D’Cunha and produced by Karan Johar’s Dharma Productions, stars Ananya Panday in the lead role. For Mishra, this project marked a turning point in her career.
Despite her background as a popular singer, Mishra was determined to focus solely on acting for this role. She explains that when she stepped into the world of Call Me Bae, she consciously set aside her singing and content creator personas.
The actress expressed her gratitude and excitement when fans praised her performance, with many commenting that her character, Harleen, felt like a real person. “I was overwhelmed by the response. It was such a gratifying feeling to hear viewers relate to the character,” Mishra shared.
As she continues to build her acting career, Mishra emphasizes her commitment to her craft, saying, “I take my work seriously as an actor.” With Call Me Bae garnering attention, it’s clear that Mishra’s versatility and dedication are shining through in this new chapter of her career.