West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Thursday raised serious allegations against the Border Security Force (BSF), accusing them of facilitating the entry of “infiltrators” into the state. Banerjee claimed that these illegal entries were being blamed on her party, the Trinamool Congress (TMC), despite the BSF’s control over the state’s borders.
Speaking at a press conference, Banerjee pointed out specific areas like Islampur, Sitai, and Chopra where, according to her, intruders were being pushed into the state. She questioned the lack of protests against this issue, considering the BSF is responsible for border security. She further warned against associating these infiltrations with her party, emphasizing that the TMC does not engage in such activities.
Banerjee called for an investigation into the BSF’s role in these alleged infiltrations, directing her concerns to BSF Director General Rajeev Kumar.
In response, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) criticized Mamata Banerjee’s accusations, defending the BSF’s actions in curbing drug, human, and cattle trafficking. BJP leader Anirban Ganguly accused the TMC leadership of objecting to the BSF’s crackdown on illicit activities, particularly those tied to trafficking networks. He urged Mamata and her party to cooperate with the BSF, especially in light of the current situation in Bangladesh.
Meanwhile, TMC MP Abhishek Banerjee also voiced concerns over the Centre’s handling of the Bangladesh situation. He criticized the Narendra Modi government for its insufficient diplomatic response to ongoing atrocities against Hindus and other minorities in Bangladesh. He challenged BJP leaders to address the issue with their central leadership and demand stronger action.